Removing Ticks From Your Home: Four Steps To Take

While ticks typically live outdoors, they can decide to make your home their new dwelling. If you find that you have ticks in your home, there are a few things you can do to get rid of these pests and keep your family safe from potentially dangerous tick bites. Here are some tick control steps you can take to reduce the tick threat in your home.

Sanitize Pet Bedding And Toys

Sanitizing pet bedding and toys helps to reduce the chances of ticks hosting on your dog or cat, and it can also help to get rid of the ticks living in your home. If your dog's bed has a removable cover, remove it and wash it in hot water. Do this for plush pet toys, or simply replace them with new, clean toys. Use a vacuum cleaner with an attachment to thoroughly clean the floor near where your pets sleep. If there are drapes near this area, vacuum or wash them as well. You may need to repeat this process a few times until the ticks are completely removed from your home.

Wash Linens And Clothing

Ticks can hide in the fibers of clothing and bedding, so you'll want to take the time to wash everything in your home. Go through your laundry hamper and any clothing that might be on the floor, and don't forget about towels and linens tucked away in the bathroom. Use the high-heat setting on both your washing machine and dryer to kill off any ticks hiding in your fabrics. Do not line-dry your clothing, as you may have a tick problem in your yard that is making its way into your home. The ticks can hitch a ride on your newly washed clothing if it is put outside to dry.

Throw Away Vacuum Cleaner Contents

Your vacuum can be your own personal pest control system, but vacuuming up the ticks only works if you throw away the contents from the bag or canister. If your vacuum is bagless, empty the canister into a trash bag. Remove the bag from the home and place it in a garbage can outside of your home. Vacuum cleaner bags can be placed immediately outside in the trash, although it's a good idea to put them in a separate trash bag as well. This can help to keep the ticks contained within the trash. Use your vacuum to thoroughly clean your floors, upholstery, and any other areas where ticks may be hiding.

Use Tick Treatments

If you have ticks in your home, your pets may be suffering from tick bites. Flea and tick collars or treatments can help to protect them from future bites, but you'll also want to make sure that any ticks currently on your pets' skin are removed. If you are unable to remove the ticks, you can contact your veterinarian for help. Be sure to call ahead and let them know that you are bringing in an animal with ticks, as the office may want to take additional precautions to prevent the insects from transferring to other animals.

Talk to your pest control expert about having your home treated for ticks, and work together to create a plan to prevent future infestations of these annoying creatures.
